I figured out early in life that I needed to find time alone to escape the busyness of my world. One of my escapes as a child, and a wonderful meditation, was sitting on the grass searching for four leaf clovers. I would find myself lost in time without thoughts or worries, just searching for clovers and feeling my body connected to the earth. These days much of my meditation and grounding time comes from sitting in a quiet space creating my sculptures, which reflect the early moments of my life spent sitting on the grass, connected.
Born and raised in North Vancouver, Canada, I now live with my partner and my son in Berlin, Germany. I have been sculpting on and off for 10 years in between travel, work as a gardener, having a child and studying horticulture. I have taken several ceramic courses over the years, but most of my sculptural knowledge is self discovered.
My hope is to remind all of us living in urban centres of our connectedness with nature. I fear a world full of humans who have forgotten their oneness with the earth.